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  • Writer's pictureJillian Moriarty

Triumphant as Shit

But, Jillian, why did you start this blog? Is this just a place for you to swear and tell your stories? (Maybe) Or does its have a higher purpose? (I sure as hell hope so)

Here's the dealio humans. I don't know if you have found this out yet or not. Life is a tightrope walker with a pole of hot, messy, heart-breaking drama on one end and life-altering, first-kiss, heart-pumping highs on the other end and you are there to balance it all out and not fall into the pit of shit below. Listen, e v e r y o n e, every... single... human... has their pile of doo-doo. Sadly, some of you had this at a young age (sorry little buddies) and others developed it over time like Herpes. The ability to balance, to stay above it all, to keep moving forward versus falling into the shit-pit is why we are here. I know. I have fallen. Well, really, it was more like I chucked my motherfucking pole, screamed like a colicky baby on a red-eye flight, and dove head first and mouth open.

This is why I found myself in the self-help section. I was in my shit, full of shit, smelled like shit, hated my shit, yet couldn't get away from any of it . . . . sheeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit! That is why we are here in blog-land to pick each other up, learn about ourselves, laugh out loud, realize we are never alone and celebrate our amazing and triumphant lives. Yes - triumphant! Why? We are still here. We are still here after all the garbage, dumbassery and, let's be honest, sometimes god damn brutality that has occurred in our lives. WE ARE STILL HERE! Yes, Ryan 2023 Reynolds year means that we are no longer falling into victimhood, instead we are taking a deep-dive into our shit and owning it potpourri free! So smell that world.

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